Maidenhead Waterways
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Patron & Sponsors

Our Founding Patron: Sir Nicholas Winton,  who sadly passed away on 1st July 2015 at the amazing age of 106 years old.

Sir Nicholas WintonSir Nicholas Winton, MBE - was a long term resident of Maidenhead and a member of the Waterways Group since its formation in 2006. He was a keen supporter of the project, but is best known publicly for his war time exploits, when he was responsible for organising the rescue of Jewish Czech children from Nazi death camps prior to the outbreak of World War II.

Patron: Theresa May, MP  

Theresa May, MPMaidenhead's MP for 25 years and a former Prime Minister, Mrs May has been a keen supporter of the waterway project since its inception, recognising it as central to the town's ongoing regeneration.

Our Major Sponsors

Maidenhead Waterways would like to thank all of its sponsors for their generous support, without which it would not be possible to operate or to have developed our plans this far.

Summerleaze Limited

Summerleaze Limited - our founding sponsor and a major source of expertise on the geology of the area. Summerleaze is a family-owned company based in the Thames Valley. Its operations include gravel extraction, waste disposal and renewable energy. Summerleaze funded the intial technical feasibility work undertaken by consultants Black & Veatch, who helped to develop the technical design of the waterways and associated works.

Louis Baylis

The Louis Baylis Charitable Trust (Maidenhead Advertiser) Owner of the Maidenhead Advertiser and a valued donor to many local community groups. We are grateful for the Trust's commitment to the project and for its ongoing support of our operations.  You can read about the Trust and its work  at

Shanly Foundation

The Shanly Foundation Charitable arm of the major regional house builder, which helped to fund the Environmental Impact Assessment work undertaken for MW by Golder Associates as part of the planning application.

Macfarlane Telfer (McFT)

MCFT Commercial kitchen maintenance company - A regular Maidenhead donor.

Further Sponsors Needed:

If you share our vision to restore the old waterways in Maidenhead town centre into a major public amenity that can be enjoyed by all, please consider becoming a sponsor, member or helper to make the project a reality. We would appreciate support of any kind. Please contact us at or by post at our registered office (see below) marked : For attention of Richard Davenport, Chair of the Trustees.